24hr pH testing

24hr pH test in Ahmedabad

24hr pH testing is usually done for non- cardiac chest pain, burning in chest, reflux symptoms and symptoms not responding to medicines. Occasionally it is done for chronic cough, recurrent throat irritation (that remains unexplained by other tests) and sinusitis.

Frequently Asked Questions

24hr pH testing is usually done for non- cardiac chest pain, burning in chest, reflux symptoms and symptoms not responding to medicines. Occasionally it is done for chronic cough, recurrent throat irritation (that remains unexplained by other tests) and sinusitis.

There are two methods to test eophageal pH. One is by bravo capsule which is inserted by endoscope to lower part of food pipe and other is by inserting a thin, slendor tube with a device on the tip that senses acid is gently passed through your nose, down the esophagus. The end of the tube that remains outside of your nose is attached to a portable recorder that is worn on belt or over shoulder. This recorder has different buttons to mark various events as instructed by nurse or physician.

  • 7 days before prior to the pH test, do not take medicine that reduces your acid production like proton pump inhibitors: pantocid, rablet, nexpro, etc
  • 2 days before the monitoring period, do not take the H2 blockers like rantac/famotidine or the promotility drug, raglan, perinoram, levosulpride.
  • 6 hours before the monitoring period, do not tak antacids like mucaine, gelusisl, gaviscon etc.
  • 4 to 6 hours before your appointment do not eat or drink.
  • In certain situation, your physician may ask you to continue above medicines to know if they are affective or not.
  • Activity: Follow your usual daily routine. Do not reduce or change your activities during the monitoring period. You can drive as per your routine.
  • Do not take a tub bath or shower; the equipment can’t get wet.
  • Eating: Eat your regular meals at the usual times. If you do not eat during the monitoring period, your stomach will not produce acid as usual, and the test results will not be accurate. Eat at least 2 meals a day. Eat foods that tend to increase your symptoms. Avoid snacking. Do not suck on hard candy or lozenges and do not chew gum during the monitoring period.
  • Lying down: If napping or lying down during the day is part of your daily routine, you can lie down or else keep doing your routine activities as normal as possible.
  • Medications: Continue to follow your doctor’s advice regarding medications to avoid during the monitoring period.
  • Recording symptoms: Press the appropriate button on your recorder when symptoms occur as discussed with the nurse.
  • Smoking is allowed during esophageal pH monitoring. However, you should note in your diary every time you smoke a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, or chew tobacco.
  • Changing Clothes While Wearing the Monitor.
  • Recording events: Record the time you start and stop eating and drinking (anything other than plain water). Record the time you lie down (even if just resting) and when you get back up. The nurse will explain this.
  • Unusual symptoms or side effects, call nurse or physician at Gastroplus.

You will return the next day to have the tube removed. The information on the recorder will be downloaded to a computer and the results will be analyzed.

Usually it is not uncomfortable. Occasionally, people who have an unusually sensitive esophagus will be able to feel the presence of the attached tube.

Generally yes if Bravo capsule is used. For tube test endoscopy is not required but most patient get it done prior to the pH monitoring for much more valuable information.

We are always happy to help, and we understand quite a few people get confused by technology. We would rather prefer that you call any time rather than have you to repeat the test. Please call the nurse at Gastroplus.