Colon polyp

Colonoscopy cost in Ahmedabad

A Colon polyp is an abnormal growth of the tissue in large bowel (colon). There are different types of colonic polyps like hyperplastic, adenomatous, inflammatory etc and not all colon polyps are cancerous. Some polyps are precursors to cancer and can grow over a period of time to form malignant lesions. Such polyps can be seen during colonoscopy examination and biopsy from polyps can be evaluated by pathologist under microscope to differentiate type of polyp.

Hyperplastic polyps are considered harmless and less likely to carry malignant potential.

Adenomatous polyps are precursors to cancer and early detection and removal can prevent development of cancers from such lesions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Screening colonoscopy is a part of health checks and can be done to detect polyp like lesions with biopsy for differentiation and prognostications of polyps. Routine screening colonoscopy is advised in all people with more than 45 years of age and earlier if there is any family history of colon cancer.

Surveillance is a part of screening and is advised in people with family history of colon cancers and polyp syndromes or people with polyps in the colon where colonoscopies are done at regular interval for early detection and risk stratification. The interval of colonoscopies depend on type and number of polyps.

Pathologist and Gastroenterologist can explain surveillance protocols but to get timely colonoscopy done is responsibility of patient.

If you experience any change in bowel habits like constipation or diarrhoea, bleeding in stool and/or abdominal pain, colonoscopy may be needed sooner than the recommended follow up. Contact your primary care physician immediately.