Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) and High Definition endoscopy

Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) and High Definition endoscopy

This is an era of prevention, early detection and minimally invasive treatment.To detect the GI cancers in its early and precancerous stage, we have High definition (HD) Endoscopy and Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) technology.

Narrow band imaging is an advanced technology which helps in detecting small lesions from GI tract and now has become gold standard in GI endoscopy.

Where Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) is helpful ?
  • For early detection of esophageal cancer
  • Barrett's esophagus
  • For early detection of stomach, small bowel and colon cancer
  • For characterisation of benign and malignant polyp
  • To detect invasion of polyps/tumor/ulcer
How is Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) different from conventional endoscopy ?
  • Unlike traditional white light imaging (WLI), which illuminates the mucosa with broad visible spectrum light, NBI technology utilizes specific wavelengths of blue (415 nm) and green (540 nm) light.
  • With conventional endoscopy, it is challenging to visualize the microvascular pattern which are the characteristic of early cancer.
  • NBI gives clear vision of microvascular patterns and helps in identifying the early lesions in GI tract.
Shall I ask my gastroenterologist if he has an NBI endoscopic facility?

If you are undergoing an endoscopic procedure, addition of NBI will improve the screening rate of early lesions. This is true specifically for screening colonoscopy.

Book your appointment today to schedule consultation and screening endoscopy/colonoscopy with our expert at Gastroplus hospitals.