What Are The Home Remedies For Acidity

24 Jul 2024

What Are The Home Remedies For Acidity

Nearly 70% of people suffer from acidity problem once in their lifetime, who are below 50 years of age. Be it lifestyle, food preferences, eating habits or obesity there are ‘n’ number of reasons which can aggravate the acid levels of body.

Many a times those sleepless nights can bring exhausted mornings along So, we must know some of the most important home remedies which still creates magic when it’s about giving relief from acidity problem.

Below are the lists of some of the important home remedies which can help you get that relief even in those odd hours when you don’t have any medicine.

  • Cold Milk- The properties of cold milk are known since ages, they act as antacid. The properties in cold milk are due to calcium, which helps to prevent acid build-up. It provides instant relief from the burning sensation which one feels during the acid reflux. Also, it’s recommended to avoid sugar in the milk.
  • Butter milk- Butter milk or chaas act as a gut soothing agent, due to the production of lactic acid it’s advisable to drink butter milk with or after consuming food.
  • Coconut water- Having at least a glass of coconut water empty stomach can help in reliving the gut stress which can further help in minimizing the acidic level of the body.
  • Avoid eating raw onions- Raw onions can aggravate the acid level of the body as they contain fermentable fibre.
  • Ginger- Ginger is found to be one of the most used natural remedies for treating the acid reflux and heart burn. But its important on how we consume it. Its better to drink the Ginger juice with boiled water to treat the probable cause.
  • Mint leaves- Mint leaves aids in digestion and also helps in easy treatment of acid reflux and fight with other gut related disorder with long term effects.
  • Tulsi leaves- Tulsi has always been one of the safest products for treating and reducing the effects of gastric acid, it has antiulcer properties. One of the easiest methods of treating acidity is by chewing easily available tulsi leaves for instant relief.
  • Chew Gums- Chewing gums does not give full-proof remedies but some studies show relevant effect after chewing gums which lead to an increase in saliva production, which also helps in getting rid of acidity in esophagus.
  • Bananas- Ever since known banana provides natural remedies for constipation and also offers relief from acidity as well. They are rich source of fiber and potassium as well. There various beneficial effects include soothing digestive system and effective home remedies for acidity.
  • Raw Almonds- Almonds do have special properties for treating the gastric irritating factors. As they are rich in natural oils, they too have soothing effect on the stomach. Where raw almond helps in keeping digestive process in good condition, almond milk provides relief from acidity problem.
  • Jaggery- Another important home remedies for treating heartburn and acid reflux involves jaggery. It solves the digestive disorders as well as provides relief from acidity. It provides cooling effect on stomach as well. Consuming a small piece of jaggery after meals is always a nice idea to get rid from acid reflux.
  • Watermelon juice- Watermelons are best known for keeping the body hydrated during the hot summers. So, watermelon juices also provide natural remedies from heartburn. A glass of watermelon juice could be consumed in anytime of the day but it’s best to drink that with breakfast in morning.
  • Avoid Carbonated drinks- Soft drinks are some of the beverages which are known for increasing the acid reflux symptoms. One of the major reasons is the carbon dioxide gas present in the carbonated drinks. So, cutting down on the cans of carbonated drinks may help in reliving from the acidity up to a major extent.
  • Avoid too much of chocolate- We always advice on reducing the amount of chocolate intake when it comes to our children, as they may decay their teeth. But its also a fact that chocolate have the tendency to increase the acid amount in esophagus as well. So, next time when we advise our little ones for less consumption of chocolates, it applies to us as well.
  • Have less Coffee- Consumption of caffeine more than a certain amount is harmful for the body. It aggravates the acid level of the body hence cause heartburn and acid reflux which could be majorly found during the night-time.
  • Avoid eating 3 hrs from going to bed-It should be kept in mind that having heavy meals close to bedtime can affect the digestive system upto a major extent. Where we have minimum digesting capacity during the night hours, eating close to sleeping hours often leads to increased acid reflux.
  • Aloe vera juice- Aloe vera is multifunctional herb which is helpful in treating the symptoms externally and internally. One of the most important applications of aloe vera is in treating heartburn. It has anti-inflammatory properties and a dose of powerful vitamins as well. Pulp of aloe vera could be mixed with water and could be consumed 2-3 times a day.
  • Pineapple juice-Pineapple juice is known to be one of the most effective home remedies for acidity. Consume a glass of pineapple juice for an instant relief from acidity. However, all these above home remedies are only helpful if you take care of your health properly.
  • Lifestyle modifications- When there is no time for workout, a proper morning routine is missed as well as physical activity. This results in excess deposition of fats especially in abdominal area. This pushes the stomach acid into esophagus and leads to increased heartburn. Daily workout and a fixed routine of physical activity is one of the best remedies to fight with acid reflux.
  • Sleeping on your left side- Since the oesophagus enters from the right side of the stomach, laying on our left side means the lower oesophageal sphincter lies above the level of stomach acid. If you lie on your right side, the stomach acid covers this sphincter which increases the risk of acid reflux.