Endoscopy cost in Ahmedabad

24 Jul 2024

Endoscopy cost in Ahmedabad

If you are someone who is interested in finding about the Endoscopy cost in Ahmedabad, then you are at the right place.
Gastroplus hospital offers a wide range of treatment options to complete every need of a patient who requires endoscopy.

  • Upper GI Endoscopy: Rs 3500 + anaesthesia & medicine
  • Colonoscopy: Rs 5500 + anaesthesia & medicine

But to brief out let’s start with what Endoscopy is all about, In this section, we’ll cover-

  • What is Endoscopy?
  • Types of Endoscopy
  • When One Needs Endoscopy?
  • Is Endoscopy safe?
  • Who performs Endoscopy?
  • Endoscopy cost Ahmedabad
  • How to prepare for Endoscopy


Endoscopy is a type of non-surgical procedure which is required to examine digestive tract disorders. The procedure is performed by using an endoscope, a long tube-like structure with a camera and light attached to it, which helps the Gastroenterologist to view the digestive tract on a colored TV screen.

In Upper GI Endoscopy, the endoscope is passed through the mouth and throt, and reaches up to oesophagus which allows the gastroenterologist to have a clear view of oesophagus, stomach, and upper part of the passedsmall intestine.

In the same way, endoscopes can be pass on to the colon (large intestine) through the rectum to get a view of this part of the Intestine. This procedure is called colonoscopy (it depends on how far the colon is being examined)

There are also ways in which pictures of the, pancreas, gallbladder and related structures could be taken, which is termed endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography or ERCP.

EUS is the combination of upper endoscopy and ultrasound to get images and information about various parts of the digestive tract.


  • Colonoscopy: It is done in the bottom to examine the bowel moments.
  • Colposcopy: It is done in the vaginal part to examine the cervix (the opening of womb)
  • Cystoscopy: It is done in urethra (opening to pass urine) to check the bladder.
  • Gastroscopy: It is done in the mouth to examine the oesophagus (food pipe), stomach and some part of small intestine.
  • Hysteroscopy: It is done in the vagina to examine the womb.


Many a times to find out the probable cause of the symptom’s endoscopy is a must. It also helps the gastroenterologist to prepare a line of treatment.

Gastroenterologist will often recommend endoscopy to evaluate:

  • Stomach pain
  • Ulcer, Gastritis or Vomiting sensation
  • Digestive tract bleeding
  • Changes in bowel habits
  • Pain or blood in stool
  • Polyps or growth in the colon

With this biopsy could also be done by the gastroenterologist to find out about the underline cause.


However, the endoscopy is safe but overall, the complications may include-

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Perforation
  • Reaction to sedation
  • Pancreatitis because of ERCP


All the related procedures must be performed under the observation of the experienced Gastroenterologist or Gastrosurgeon.


Endoscopy costs depends on various aspects like admission fee, gastroenterologist fee, procedural fee, tests that involves the patient’s overall condition.

When the Gastroenterologist doesn’t go for procedures like surgery or biopsy, the cost generally doesn’t go on a higher side whereas their use accelerates the price.

Endoscopy Cost in Ahmedabad is usually lower when compared to other metropolitan city.

Upper GI Endoscopy: Rs 3500 + anaesthesia & medicine

Colonoscopy: Rs 5500 + anaesthesia & medicine

Factors which affect the endoscopy cost includes instrument charges, doctor charges, OT charges, maintenance charges etc.


All the related procedures must be performed under the observation of the experienced Gastroenterologist or Gastrosurgeon.

Gut Preparation- Examination of the upper digestive tract which involves endoscopy or ERCP demands for fasting which last for 6-8 hours prior to the commencement of procedure. Further for the examination of colon, stool should be cleaned. Hence laxatives are given to the patient prior to the procedure.

Sedation- For almost all the examination where endoscope is required, a sedation is required. It helps the patient during the examination. These sedatives could be given in the form of injection directly into the vein, relaxes the body and a feeling of sleep.

Always remember that patient can wakeup within an hour but its effects still subside, so things like driving or going home alone is not advisable.

General Anaesthesia is administered in special conditions likes in young children as the procedure is more complicated for them.

Gastroplus Hospital is a “state of art” centre, providing comprehensive gastrointestinal care through modern and cutting-edge technology in the most ethical and affordable manner in the city of Ahmedabad.

Founded by four young and passionate gastroenterologists with extensive experience in the field and training at leading gastroenterology institutes in India, Gastroplus aims at dedicated and compassionate patient care with clinical excellence. Gastroenterologists at the centre are well equipped to take on vast varieties of gastroenterological diseases with their sound diagnostic and clinical acumen topped with exceptional advanced endoscopic and procedural skills. The consultants are associated with all top corporate and charitable trust hospitals, and they also provide in-patient services.

At present, it is established as Day care centre equipped with spacious endoscopy suites furnished with latest instruments, large recovery lounge and dedicated CDS (cleaning, disinfection & sterilisation) room. Availability of special and semi-special rooms at the centre is geared towards achieving patient’s comfort. At Gastroplus hospital , competent, knowledgeable, and professional staff continuously thrive for providing quality care keeping patient safety at prime importance.

Core Values of Gastroplus-

  • The Team: Team of dedicated young Gastroenterologists and Gastrosurgeon with excellent training profile and professionally competent paramedical staff geared towards providing exclusive patient-oriented care.
  • Clinical excellence: Persistently thriving for excellence in clinical practice and exploring new horizons of GI care.
  • Empathetic approach: “Patient first” approach with empathetic care helping patients to understand disease process and treatment options as well as respecting patient choice and confidentiality.
  • Commitment: Committed to core values of providing excellent and compassionate patient care and working tirelessly in that direction.
  • Patient safety: Unceasing efforts to ensure utmost safety of patients.
  • Social Responsibilities: Providing affordable and quality treatment to needy ones and, hence fulfilling social obligation.

At Gastroplus Hospital with a team of best gastro physicians we provide a complete success rate in all the procedures related to endoscopy.